The somatic hotspot mutation SF3B1K700E is characteristically found in myelodysplastic syndrome with ring sideroblasts (MDS-RS) and frequently occurs as an isolated mutation. However, our understanding of how this mutation drives MDS pathogenesis remains limited. To explore the downstream consequences of the SF3B1K700E mutation and its role in disease pathogenesis, we generated a panel of isogenic SF3B1K700E and SF3B1WT induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines from 3 MDS-RS patients with isolated SF3B1K700E mutation (3 SF3B1K700E and 3 SF3B1WT lines per patient, total 18). Upon hematopoietic differentiation, SF3B1K700E cells exhibited lower growth and colony-forming ability, compared to SF3B1WTcells, recapitulating hallmark phenotypes of MDS cells.
To investigate the effects of the SF3B1K700E mutation on the transcriptome and chromatin landscape, we performed RNA- and ATAC- sequencing in purified CD34+/CD45+ hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) derived from the panel of the 18 isogenic SF3B1K700E and SF3B1WT iPSC lines. Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clustering based on gene expression grouped the iPSC lines primarily by genotype (SF3B1K700E vs SF3B1WT) and secondarily by genetic background. To assess the impact of the SF3B1K700E mutation at the exon, transcript and gene level, we developed an analytical framework integrating differential splicing with differential transcript usage and differential gene expression analyses. We thus discovered 59 splicing events linked to 34 genes (most statistically significant events that also mapped to differentially used transcripts and differentially expressed genes). This SF3B1K700E splicing signature includes genes previously reported as mis-spliced in SF3B1K700E cells (e.g BRD9, ABCB7), as well as novel genes. We tested this signature against a published dataset of primary MDS patient samples (Pellagatti et al.). PCA based on the inclusion level of the splicing events of our signature separated SF3B1-mutated MDS patients from patients without splicing factor mutations (SF-WT) or healthy individuals. Furthermore, it identified one patient erroneously annotated as SF-WT that clustered together with the SF3B1-mutated patients, who had a, previously overlooked, 6bp in-frame deletion spanning the K700E hotspot.
By comparing the chromatin accessibility profiles of SF3B1K700E and SF3B1WT iPSC-HSPCs to those defined in primary human cell types along the hematopoietic hierarchy (Corces et al.), we found that the chromatin landscape of SF3B1K700E HSPCs resembled more this of megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cells (MEPs) and erythroid cells, whereas that of SF3B1WT HSPCs resembled more granulocyte-monocyte progenitors (GMPs) and monocytes. This finding may underlie the more prominent involvement of the erythroid lineage in the pathology and clinical presentation of MDS-RS. To interrogate transcriptional programs in SF3B1K700E mutant cells, we performed transcription factor (TF) motif enrichment analysis. Motifs enriched in ATAC-Seq peaks more accessible in SF3B1K700E cells that were linked to genes upregulated in SF3B1K700E cells, included motifs of several TFs with known roles in hematopoiesis (GATA, ETS, STAT, AP-1). Unexpectedly, motifs of the TEAD TFs were also enriched. The TEAD family of TFs are best known as effectors of the Hippo signaling pathway, with important roles in various biological processes and malignancies, albeit no clear links to adult hematopoiesis or hematologic disease. TEAD2 and TEAD4 were upregulated in SF3B1-mutant, compared to the WT, iPSC-HSPCs and TEAD transcriptional activity, measured with a luciferase reporter construct, was higher in SF3B1K700E, compared to SF3B1WTiPSC-HSPCs. We did not find expression or activation of YAP or TAZ, which bind to DNA as a complex with TEAD upon Hippo pathway activation. These results support a Hippo-independent increase of TEAD expression and activity in SF3B1K700E cells.
In summary, we generated a panel of isogenic patient-derived iPSCs that allowed us to comprehensively characterize the transcriptome and chromatin landscape of SF3B1K700E HSPCs in an isogenic system, derive a splicing signature of SF3B1K700E and identify the TEAD TF as a new transcriptional regulator of SF3B1K700Emutant HSPCs.
G. Asimomitis, A.G. Deslauriers: shared 1 st authorship
E. Papaemmanuil, E.P. Papapetrou: shared senior authorship
Deslauriers: Novo Nordisk A/S: Current Employment. Hellström-Lindberg: Celgene: Research Funding. Papaemmanuil: Isabl Technologies: Divested equity in a private or publicly-traded company in the past 24 months; Kyowa Hakko Kirin Pharma: Consultancy.
Author notes
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